Our focus on creating technicians that can
support world class manufacturing in Florida continues. FLATE, in partnership with FloridaMakes has
initially identified four target mechanisms as key elements in creating the
talent resource manufacturers’ need:
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& Apprenticeships
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Pipeline Development.
Skill Certification was reviewed in the previous (Part 3)
contribution in this Manufacturing Excellence in Florida series. Also we indicated that these four key elements
are foundation pillars for manufacturing excellence but they are not addressed
within a unified education strategy. Industry
recognized certifications are new to the education domain while work-based
learning, internships, and apprenticeships are viewed as standalone components
for workforce training. The overall
talent pipeline development does reside within the K-16 academic structure but
it has, at best, a dim focus on manufacturing workforce career options. Our MEP-ATE partnership in Florida is unique
to the nation and it will result in a dramatic difference in the way these four
workforce developments elements are addressed in Florida.
Internships and Apprenticeships are valuable but
complicated and/or confusing tools for workforce development. The intern idea and function is well
established. The intent (http://flate-mif.blogspot.com/2013/07/)
of an internship is elegantly simple: they put students into viable
manufacturing situations where their technical skill and knowledge base can be developed
and reinforced by hands-on experience in a workplace environment. However, internships are not currently structured
to make a systemic impact on technician education.
Internships operate at the local level. They are governed
by individual school and company agreements.
Often an internship is just created at a single plant location and even
isolated department with no interaction with any intern activity elsewhere in
the company. Local demand often lead to
an “as needed basis” for using interns.
Although the experience is valuable for both the company and the intern,
the company need is often satisfied with only one intern once. Internships may or may not include school
credit and the student may or may not be paid.
The unpaid internship approach is attractive to some business sectors
because the compensation exchange involves student acquiring work experience
and the employer getting help completing a temporary task. However, recent U.S. Department of Labor
guidelines have decreased the types of situations when students can work
without pay and, in the long run, the non-pay experiences have very little positive
impact on technician education.
Apprenticeships operate at the local level, do include
hands-on experiences, and have a structure that supports a systemic approach that
fosters student skill and knowledge acquisition. The U.S. Department of Labor Registered
Apprenticeship programs are housed at the Florida Department of Education. Extensive and detailed information about
these apprenticeships and how they work in Florida is available from
The FLDOE (richard.norman@fldoe.org). Florida also supports Pre-apprenticeship
programs in high schools. Ted Norman is
very knowledgeable of both programs and will help with all aspects of the initiation
and operation of either or both. In
addition a series of FLATE FOCUS articles (http://flate-mif.blogspot.com/2013/06/)
also provides information about the structure, guidelines, time, content, and
expectations of apprenticeships.
The renewed interest in apprenticeships at the national
level is exciting but does require a few cautionary remarks. First, as the 20th century
manufacturing workforce retirement numbers increases exponentially,
manufacturers may need to replenish that workforce with the some classic
apprentice trades (welders, machinists, tool and die makers, etc). Second, the 21st century
manufacturing need many more workers with skills beyond an apprenticeship
base. Third, apprenticeship programs
require an employment, financial, and time investment by the employer. The first and third comments are or will
become obvious as the national discussion about apprenticeships continues. However, the second remark need elaboration.
The inclusion of robotics, interactive control systems, industry
4.0, and extensive quality control mandates set new benchmarks for the
manufacturing worker that far exceed the expectations acquired in a “classic”
apprenticeship program. If the
apprenticeship model is to step into the new world of manufacturing, it must
keep its traditional employment, financial, and time commitments but also
include structured avenues to strengthen student multidimensional thinking and
analysis abilities. Thus, the
challenge! If you are actively involved
in the new apprenticeship dialog make sure: (i) the target of those discussions
far exceeds the simple support of more existing apprenticeships; and (ii) the
expansion of apprenticeships to creating workers with elastic minds to address
the operation and troubleshooting of cross skill and knowledge based
manufacturing processes requires intense connections to two year college and
Career and Technical Education programs.
In summary, from a manufacturing perspective; everything is
“up to date in Kansas City”. In fact
every manufacturing centric community in the country has or is installing 21st
century equipment and processes into their manufacturing facilities. But we have not gone about as far as we can
go. Apprenticeships programs can make a
major contribute to the restructure of the workforce but not if they are
restricted to their historic role and continue to be isolated from mainstream
STEM education.