The new Professional Development Best Practices
Guide allows us to share some of the things we’ve learned along the way from
providing professional development workshops in statewide, national, and
international venues. This guide offers an overview and outline which includes
ideas and examples for effective logistics management, developing content,
marketing, measuring impact, and provides samples to help with startup.
Recruiting and Retaining Girls in STEM Guide is the most recent addition to our
library. It
provides general guidelines to best practices that we at FLATE and others have found to be effective in engaging and retaining girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). In this guide, the focus is on girls, but these practices work just as well for
provides general guidelines to best practices that we at FLATE and others have found to be effective in engaging and retaining girls in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). In this guide, the focus is on girls, but these practices work just as well for
boys, minorities, special needs
students, at risk populations, ESOL students … just
about any student who will
benefit from extra support and engagement to help them learn about and explore
the exciting world of STEM.
Both guides are available for
download at www.fl-ate.org/Best_Practices
and hard copies can be requested by email.
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