When one asks what impact, new technologies will have on technician education the Internet of Things (IoT) is often the first or at least in the initial set of impactful technologies that must be addressed. This is a broad classification to be sure and the IoT impact on society has already become apparent. However, what is or will be its influence on technician education?
Bypassing, this month at least, the IoT’s connection to the information technology technician, an immediate connection of IoT and the Future of Work is the access to new sensors that operate using extremely high frequencies. Not long ago, with specific exceptions such as applications in some 24-GHz industrial fluid-level sensors, the Gigahertz frequency range was not practical because of challenges with sensor required components, materials, layout, and production tolerances.
Today this is not the case. Companies such as Texas Instruments are providing sensors that target robotics and automation applications within the 60 GHz (5 mm wavelength) range. This higher frequency range also means a new generation of frequency analyzers to verify sensor performance as well as the conformation of output response to an edge computing environment or (for consumer applications) the cloud itself. These new analyzers are certainly not your grandfather’s oscilloscopes nor will current low frequency analyzers satisfy the technician’s IoT related sensor manufacture, installation, connection, and troubleshooting needs.
As characteristic and to be honest the fun part of this blog series, it is time to shift gears. Returning to our operating premise: "The work to do starts with you." Your views of both present and future skills related to EHF, Extremely High Frequency, technology in your field is EI, Extremely Important! A nationwide strategy for technician education needs national input. Industries in various regions of the country will have different EHF skill use expectations for their technicians. The goal is to identify the core skills that are the foundation for all EHF applications including, of course, IoT. NSF-ATE is listening and can put its resources into action in response to what it hears so now is the time to speak up. Think about the skills needed and the optimal time (place) to learn them. Contact us. Send us your thoughts gilbert@usf.edu.
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