Part of this national program is to have invited guest speakers talk to the girls about their STEM careers. Dr. Barger, FLATE Senior Educational Advisor, said that it was an honor to address the young STEM Dancers at USF and share their enthusiasm for all that they were learning.
STEM from Dance Summer Camp at USF
MFG 2022: Celebrate Manufacturing Day October 7th or Any Day
- Plant tours, in-person or virtual
- Community Events & Expos
- Educational Fairs
- Job Fairs
- Competitions
- Q&A Sessions with Manufacturers
- MFG 2022 Coordinator List: contact information for Educators/Manufacturers to coordinate an event (specific to your County)
- Logos for Manufacturing Month (MFG 2022)
- FLATE Resources
- Best Practice Guide for Industry Tours
- Student Presentation 'What is Manufacturing'
- Student Flyer: Job Journey with Salary Information
- Student Flyer: What is Manufacturing
- Lesson Plans with supporting Materials
- Adopt-a-School Guide
- Manufacturing Institute Resources
- Graphics and Social Media Copy
- Virtual Video Shopfloor Tour Ideas
- Creator Story Prompts
- Link to Register your Event
- Edgefactor Rock MFG Day Resources
- Includes career video clips for students
FLATE Presents at 2022 HI-TEC Conference
- Women’s Perceptions of Problem-Solving In a Virtual Learning Environment
- CTE Graduate Trends by Program Visualized Instantly!
- Integrating Industry 4.0 into Manufacturing Technician Curriculum.
This study is an analysis of women’s perceptions of their problem-solving
confidence, style, and personal control before and after their participation in
online courses. The leading hypothesis for this study is: based on access to
self-paced online learning environments, women students who completed the
participate in supported network and information technology courses will
demonstrate increases in their perceptions of problem-solving confidence and
personal control and demonstrate decreases in problem-solving avoidance. The presentation
was well received by the audience in attendance with many questions and comments during and after the event.
Dr. Marilyn Barger, FLATE's Senior Education Advisor, also gave these presentations at the 2022 HI-TEC Conference:
- CTE Graduate Trends by Program Visualized Instantly! This presentation presented and demonstrated the new, free CTE Graduates tracking app developed by the Hidden Innovation Infrastructure NSF project at Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center. Dr. Barger serves as co-PI for this project. The attendees of this session had time to try the app and provide feedback about the functionality and data output. The new data tool, which will support the research of the NSF ATE project will hopefully support many community college workforce programs.
- CTE Grad Tracking App:
- Rutgers Education and Employment Research Center (EERC):
- Presentation on FLATE wiki
- Integrating Industry 4.0 into Manufacturing Technician Curriculum. This presentation looked back at the data output of the FLATE NSF Conference Grant to determine the skills gap between what skills manufacturers anticipated that they would need in the near future and what educators thought their 2-year graduates would need. With the gaps in hand, the presentation examined the curriculum frameworks to define gaps in the current curriculum as well as the appropriate places in the program to integrated the missing skills.
- Caucus website:
- Presentation on FLATE wiki
FACTE Annual Conference & Trade Show -Fostering Excellence in CTE Education Professional Learning Opportunities
Every year FLATE partners with organizations such as the Florida Association for the Career and Technical Education (FACTE), the Florida Association of Industrial Technical Education (FAITE), and the Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN), to support and provide top-quality professional learning opportunities, educational resources, and share best practices for career and technical (CTE) educators in Florida.
The 56th FACTE annual conference and trade show, held July 18-20, 2022 in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, was a success, hosting approximately 600 participants, 43 vendors, and more than 122 parallel sessions representing all areas of CTE education. The trade show and sessions were filled with opportunities for networking, sharing best practices, and building relationships among CTE educators and administrators around the state.
FLATE had the opportunity to help plan, coordinate, and present during the pre-conference activities, division meetings, and conference’s multi-sessions.
The July 18th pre-conference activities with FAITE included a tour of the Automation and technology programs at the Florida State College of Jacksonville (FSCJ) and TNT manufacturing concrete company where participants had the chance to experience a closer look at the latest innovative laboratories, applied technology programs, potential career paths, and skills required for today’s hi-tech job positions.
July 19-20, the conference’s sessions,
in partnership with FLATE, included SolidWorks CAPE certification and additive
manufacturing, building STEM pipelines through summer camps, FDOE engineering
and manufacturing/technology education cluster updates, and drones in education.
FLATE’s most popular and well-attended presentations included the FLATE 2022 Best Practice Award Winners Panel,where award winners shared their experiences, best practices, and significant contributions in support of STEM, engineering technology, and industrial/manufacturing education in Florida. Click here to watch the recording.
From left to right:
Michael Shaluly-Distinguished Manufacturing Partner Service Award.
Cecilia Larsson- Distinguished
Manufacturing Post-Secondary Educator-of-the-Year Award
Ed Fry- Distinguished Manufacturing
Secondary Educator-of-the-Year Award.
On July 20, the 2022 FLATE Award winners were recognized during the FACTE Annual awards brunch.
As part of the Florida Careers Network (FCPN) strand, FLATE shared the “future of work: a framework for a cross-disciplinary STEM core” skills that define several emerging skills related to the implementation of industry 4.0 and the
“process of designing and developing an
integrated engineering and mathematics curriculum for elementary school”.
Thank you so much to the FACTE team for such a great event and for hosting FLATE Awards. FLATE will continue to partner with FACTE, FAITE, and FCPN to represent CTE at the local and state level, provide professional development, and support CTE education for Florida students, teachers, and business partners.