Needed Math for Technicians

The 'Needed Math for Technicians' NSF ATE Targeted Research Project had as one outcome a list of 40 fundamental math skills that many technicians use in their supportive roles in advanced technology enterprises. Needed Math is a grant to the Center for STEM Research at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. One of the goals of the project was to define the needed technician math skills for new employees in technician roles. Technician is a role that is frequently assigned to someone with technical skills learned in a two-year associate of science degree.

The project goal was to get that list from a survey sent to industrial companies and separately to both technician and mathematics educators at 2-year colleges. The survey prompts were developed through a rigorous process that included reviewing technical math textbooks and community college course syllabi, visiting industrial sites, interviewing technicians and their supervisors, and reviewing standards and competencies for different industry sectors. A list of 40 math skills evolved that were grouped into seven categories (measurement, statistics, algebra, geometry & trig, arithmetic, using technology tools, and modeling) for the survey instrument. Some items on the list had short examples. The survey asked for responses that reflected preparation on the topic and and importance/frequency of use. The draft survey was tested with “talk alouds” with representatives from each of the three target groups to ensure that the survey statements are understandable by the audiences.

Notable takeaways from the survey results.
  1. Successfully identified almost 40 items that all three surveyed groups agree are frequently used in the workplace, and, we would therefore say are of high importance.
  2. Items relating to measurements ranked most highly.
  3. Scores for PREPARATION across the board are lower than for FREQUENCY of use.
  4. Overall, the three groups agree – even though there are some statistically significant differences in certain items
  5. Some items might be interesting to pursue with interviews
SURVEY ITEMS (asked for both preparation and frequency of use)
    1. Make conversions between units of measurement (for example, inches to centimeters)
    2. Work with ratios or rates (for example, percentages, concentrations, speed)
    3. Take measurements using physical tools (for example, calipers, micrometers, scales) or instruments (for example, voltmeters, oscilloscopes, pressure gauges)
    4. Make estimates (for example, of measurements, quantities, production runs)
    5. Do work that requires accuracy & precision to a specified tolerance (for example, +/- 5%, +/- 0.003 inches)
    6. Read, document, and/or interpret sensor data (for example from temperature, pressure, or flow sensors)
    7. Use sampling to collect data (example; sampling a production run)
    8. Read and interpret tables, graphs, or plots of data
    9. Make tables, graphs, or plots of data
    10. Use, interpret, or calculate statistical measures (for example, average, standard deviation, range)
    11. Read and analyze control charts
    12. Use data to optimize a production process (example, minimize waste & costs, or maximize production and quality)
    1. Use, interpret, or calculate statistical measures (for example, average, standard deviation, range)
    2. Interpret, or create graphs or plots
    3. Read, interpret, or create graphs or plots
    4. Read, interpret, or create numerical tables
    5. Use sampling techniques to collect data
    6. Read and analyze control charts
    7. Read and interpret data collected from sensors
    8. Use data to optimize a production process (for example, minimize waste and costs, maximize production and quality)
    1. Substitute numbers into formulas and evaluate
    2. Solve equations with one or more unknowns
    3. Fit a curve to data (for example, construct a graph from a series of data points)
    4. Use direct or inverse variation (for example, increase temperature to increase pressure, or increase speed to decrease time)
    1. Use right triangle trigonometry (for example, sines, cosines, Pythagorean theorem)
    2. Determine the amplitude, frequency, or period of a periodic function
    3. Work with exponents
    1. Use scientific or engineering notations (for example, 3.75 x102, 5.4 x10-3)
    2. Use metric (or SI) prefixes (for example, micro, kilo)
    3. Use complex numbers (such as 3+5i, 7+j4)
    4. Use inequalities (such as a ≥ b ) to show that something is bigger or smaller than something else
    5. Make conversions between different ways of expressing numbers (for example, fractions, decimals, percents)
    1. Use spreadsheets to calculate sums or averages
    2. Use spreadsheets for tasks beyond calculating sums or averages (for example, producing pivot tables or graphs/charts)
    3. Use a scientific or graphing calculator
    4. Use math when using a computer numerical control (CNC) system (for example, use trigonometry to determine tool location relative to part geometry)
    5. Collect, analyze, and use information from a system that provides real-time operational performance data
    6. Use mathematical software (for example, AutoCAD, bioinformatics software, MATLAB, SOLIDWORKS)
    1. Use math to prepare reports (for example, quotes, invoices, standard operating procedures, manufacturing batch records, inventory reports, and/or productivity reports)
    2. Model (using graphs, tables, data, formulas or simulations) procedures or processes to inform current decisions and/or future work
    3. Use data to troubleshoot problems
    4. Use predictive analysis to forecast unknown quantities or performance measures (for example, determining a curve of best fit from known data points, then using it to find unknown values)
For more information on the project, go to or contact Marilyn Barger at