2010-11 Advertorial |
The “Made in Florida” manufacturing advertorials in Florida Trend’s NEXT magazine have been an effective vehicle in reaching thousands of high school students throughout Florida. The advertorials promote positive awareness of manufacturing careers and education, and serve as an educational roadmap for students interested in manufacturing as a viable and lucrative career pathway. Dr. Marilyn Barger, executive director of FLATE and a strong voice for manufacturers throughout Florida, says painting a positive picture is only one piece of the awareness and recruitment puzzle. Barger believes parents and the entire community must be made aware of the challenging, state-of-the-art, high-wage, high-skill careers that the manufacturing industry provides.
To assist in this double-edged effort, FLATE partnered with the Manufacturers Association of Florida to expand the "Made in Florida" brand into a coordinated statewide awareness campaign. The initiative encompasses the Made in Florida DVD and online video, live and virtual industry tours, career pathways, Facebook and YouTube content, student interviews, and web-based resources on the Made in Florida webpage at www.madeinflorida.org.
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2011 marks the sixth year FLATE has placed content in NEXT, the career guidance edition of Florida Trend. Since publication of the first manufacturing advertorial in 2006, FLATE has collected data indicating a significant increase in the number of schools that have received lists of potential enrollees from FLATE. Between 2009-10, 60% of the responders filled out the paper reader response cards while 1,132 responders (40%) requested information online via the NEXT website at www.FloridaNEXT.com. Over half of both male and female high school students responding to this same edition of the advertorial requested community/state college information in addition to career materials. Demographic results also suggest a significant interest by female high school students; 72% of female responders expressed an interest in careers and education in advanced manufacturing. Forty five colleges and technical schools in Florida currently receive monthly lists of prospective student leads in their service areas for follow up. (You can view current and past advertorials at www.fl-ate.org/projects/fl-trend.html.)
The NEXT campaign has received more than 20,000 inquiries from Florida students. Join FLATE and MAF and help students learn how to pursue an education and career in advanced manufacturing. The April 1st deadline is right around the corner for our next group of visionary sponsors. Sponsorships are available at multiple levels that allow organizations/individuals to receive recognition for their support. Just visit 2011 NEXT Sponsors page at www.fl-ate.org/projects/fl-trend.html, and follow the instructions on the sidebar, or contact Dr. Marilyn Barger at 813.259.6578/barger@fl-ate.org.
You have the ability to make a difference. Your sponsorship will help affect positive changes in manufacturing awareness and education for Florida’s current and prospective students. We look forward to working with you!
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