Your Opinion Matters: Take the ET Student & Alumni Survey!

Periodically FLATE asks ET faculty and program managers to share two short surveys with their incoming ET students and ET alumni.
This year's surveys are posted at:
The information is compiled by FLATE and shared with all ET colleges. For instance, FLATE shared this information at the 2014 PanamaCity and Polk ET Forums:

Incoming ET students reported “solid employment opportunities” (45.8%) and

personal “strong technical skills and abilities in related areas” (45.8%) as being equally important.

50% of responding students (n=12) plan to work for a Florida manufacturer upon graduation from the ET program. 41% (n=10) plan to continue their education.

For ET Alumni
91% (20 out of 22) of students reported using the technical knowledge acquired from the A.S. Engineering Technology degree in their job
91% (20 out of 22) are earning good wages (which is typical promotion point for manufacturing jobs)

This kind of information is great to share with industry in support of the important work we do. Please help us collect these important data for our ET students by sharing the survey links below.

Thank you for your time!

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