A total of 139 companies were identified in 7 counties,

Approximately 64% of the surveyed companies stated that they market their goods internationally. Thirteen percent stated they have a national market, 15% were local, and 13% were statewide companies. In terms of educational requirements, 33% percent indicated their minimal educational requirement was a Bachelor of Science degree. Technical training and “quality assurance” were identified as primary training needs, while required skill-sets included laboratory experience; mechanical/electrical skills; mechanical aptitude, manufacturing and

Results of the inventory provided important information that was used to gauge the current work force and its needs. It will also be used to design necessary education and training programs to meet the needs and ensure a skilled and proficient labor force. The inventory has helped to define strong partners for an advisory council comprised of biotechnology industry representatives that convened for its initial meeting in the summer of 2009. The council and academics will host a focus group in early 2010 to drill down deeper to define detailed knowledge and competencies that are required in new biotechnology curricula and programs developed for the greater Tampa Bay area.
For more information on the surveys, or to view the full report visit http://fl-ate.org/projects/bitt-industry.html, or contact Kim Wilson at 813.253.7845/wilson@fl-ate.org
Excellent response from the indusry. Provides a good starting point to consider what is needed for additional technical education.