HCC offers the Engineering Technology A.S and A.A.S degree with a specialization in advanced manuf

A common component of the program lies in developing critical thinking and tangible skills, and educators play a central role in igniting students’ interest. Dr. Adrienne Gould-Choquette, instructor and program director for engineering technology and construction management technology at SCF advises colleagues and fellow educators to “keep a watchful eye” to ensure the material that is being taught is not only relevant, but “instills honor and excitement in the profession”.
In terms of skills, Dr. Alessandro Anzalone, engineering technology instructor and program manager at HCC states students need to have transferable skills, have an open/inquisitive mind, enjoy engaging in hands-on activities, and be eager to learn new things. Thus, the type of learning offered in Engineering Technology degree programs provides students with critical thinking and transferable career skills. “This country was built on the innovation of minds trained as engineers…stretch your mind and your thinking, and the possibilities become infinite” Choquette said.
Looking to the future, Dr. Anzalone foresees a growth in the demand for trained/skilled people in the technology field. This spring he will serve as part of an advisory committee comprising of industry personnel, students and educators to review the current ET program, provide recommen

The ET degree consists of a common technical core with five specialization tracks in advanced manufacturing, quality, mechanical design & fabrication, electronics, and advanced technology. The common core of the degree aligns with the national Manufacturing Skill Standards Council’s (MSSC) Certified Production Technician (CPT) credential and four its assessment areas of safety, quality and measurements, manufacturing processes and production, and maintenance awareness. The statewide articulation agreement awards 15 credit hours of the A.S. /A.A.S. Engineering Technology degree core for the MSSC CPT certification, and creates a pathway for certification holders from high school career academies, CTE programs, technical schools and incumbent workers to gain college credit for their acknowledged competencies.
For more information on the ET program at HCC contact Dr. Alessandro Anzalone at 813.253.7852/ aanzalone2@hccfl.edu. For information on the SCF program contact Dr. Adrienne Gould-Choquette at 941-752-5515/ gouldca@scf.edu. To read the full interview with Dr. Anzalone and Choquette visit our Facebook page.
2010 ET Course Listing at HCC & SCF

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