FLATE-led initiative to support high quality, international educational experience to Florida’s community college students and educators is well underway. This National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE)-supported, FLATE interaction with TKNIKA—an innovation Institute for vocational training established by the Vice Ministry of Education of the Basque government in Spain— is one of eight pilot projects awarded to NSF Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Centers, and poised to create an outstanding educational experience for educators and students enrolled in the FLATE-created two year, statewide A.S. degree in engineering technology.
The project has been conceived in two phases. The first, or the exploratory phase, was completed in July 2011 when a delegation of industry, educators and administrators from four

The second phase, or student recruitment and training program, scheduled for May 12-June 2, 2012, is currently underway. The deadline to submit applications to FLATE is Jan. 20, 2012. To qualify and
participate in the structured technical education and training experience at a IEFPS Usurbil GLBH, a technical college in Spain, students need to be enrolled in the Engineering Technology (E.T.) A.S. degree program from any of the ten colleges in the Florida State and community college system. Student applicants are expected to be in the second year of their degree program preferably having completed at least 23 credits of technical courses (not including general education) before the trip. Applicants are also required to have an average GPA of 3.0 or higher, have the endorsement from an E.T. degree faculty, complete the training application form, and provide a 500 word summary of their intention to participate in the project.
Once applicants are preselected they are required to:
- Sign a “commitment agreement,” outlined by FLATE, by Jan. 27, 2012. This includes, but not limited to: completing at least 90% of scheduled training, submitting a final project, preparing a final presentation, participating in dissemination conferences, contributing to develop and improve the ET Florida curriculum (based on their learning experience).
- Be enrolled in summer 2012 term in a 3 credit hours “special topic” course in Modern Manufacturing, ETI 1931, at HCC (covered by FLATE).
- Have a valid passport by March 12, 2012, with permission to leave and enter the US with the ability to travel to Spain in May 2012 for a period of 3 weeks (covered by FLATE).
- Have medical insurance during the training period (covered by FLATE).
The goal is to provide outstanding learning experience for all participants. Areas of training include alternative energy and control of automated energy systems. At the conclusion of the trip, students will contribute content and skills assessment for developing tangible tools and solutions to improve ET-related curriculum and instruction materials within the Florida educational system. In addition to technical knowledge, this extraordinary experience is expected to “expand students’ appreciation for cultural differences, and create awareness of new economically and socially viable corporate structures” Barger said.
For more information, or to fill out an application form contact Danielly Orozco, FLATE curriculum coordinator at dorozco2@hccfl.edu/813.259.6575. For information on the Iberian Partnership for Technician Excellence, and the award-winning, two-year A.S. degree in engineering technology contact Dr. Marilyn Barger at 813.259.6578/barger@fl-ate.org, or visit www.madeinflorida.org/engineering-technology-degree. For information on TKNIKA visit http://www.tknika.net,%20and/ and IEFPS Usurbil GLBHI http://www.ihusurbil.com/.
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