keeping with our theme for this month—outreach to students and teachers—FLATE
in partnership with the School District of Hillsborough County recently hosted
a tour for students enrolled in the robotics program at Middleton High School
in Tampa. The tour was part of Middleton’s five day MSSC (Manufacturing Skill
Standards Council) camp targeted to prepare students to take the MSSC CPT test.
As part of the camp, students also toured Heat Pipe Technology, Southern
Manufacturing Technologies, Tampa Brass and Aluminum and Sypris Electronics in
Hillsborough Community College, students got an up-close look at FLATE’s
state-of-the-art engineering
technology lab. During the tour students learned about careers in manufacturing that were available to them in Tampa bay and across Florida. “I was very pleased with the tour” said Scott Mead, lead teacher and robotics club sponsor at Middleton High School.” Students also got an overview of the engineering technology degree program offered at Hillsborough Community College and 13 other state and community colleges across Florida. Dr. Alessandro Anzalone, director of the ET program at HCC “effectively communicated the advantages of the program and clearly illustrated the career and education options to the students” Mead said.
technology lab. During the tour students learned about careers in manufacturing that were available to them in Tampa bay and across Florida. “I was very pleased with the tour” said Scott Mead, lead teacher and robotics club sponsor at Middleton High School.” Students also got an overview of the engineering technology degree program offered at Hillsborough Community College and 13 other state and community colleges across Florida. Dr. Alessandro Anzalone, director of the ET program at HCC “effectively communicated the advantages of the program and clearly illustrated the career and education options to the students” Mead said.
to a post tour survey, 100% of the participants expressed that the tour was
helpful in making them consider college and careers in advanced manufacturing. “Very
useful; the tour helped me open my eyes to the future” wrote a student in the
survey. Two other students also stated they would attend Hillsborough Community
College to pursue the A.S. degree in engineering technology. “I learned so much
today; the information excites me to the fullest” stated another student who is
interested in pursuing an electrical engineering degree in the future.
The Manufacturing Skill Standards
Council (MSSC) is a nationwide, industry-led organization that focuses
on the foundational skills and knowledge
needed by workers in the nation's advanced manufacturing sector. The MSSC
System awards the Certified Production
Technician (CPT) certification to new and incumbent workers who pass the
four manufacturing-related modules: Manufacturing Processes and Production;
Quality Assurance; Maintenance Awareness; and Safety. Applicable to all sectors of manufacturing,
the MSSC System has the potential to certify millions of production workers
against industry-recognized, federally-endorsed standards.

FLATE has embedded the MSSC Skills Standards
into the A.S. Engineering Technology Technical core. Once these
courses are completed, students in the ET degree program can earn an 18 credit
hour college certificate. They will also be prepared to take the MSSC skills
tests to earn the national certification. Alternatively, students entering the
ET degree who have a current MSSC CPT credential can articulate it for 15
credit hours towards degree completion. The MSSC Certification System offers
manufacturing production workers the opportunity to demonstrate that they have
mastered the skills increasingly needed in the high-growth, technical jobs of
the 21st century.
For more information on the A.S.E.T
degree, or to get MSSC certified contact Dr. Marilyn Barger at You can also visit and
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