FLATE uses the Florida Education and Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) data to track employment of engineering technology (ET) grads and to learn about their earning outcomes.
The FETPIP Program is a data collection and consumer reporting system established by Florida Statutes Selection 1008.39 to provide follow-up data on former students and program participants who have graduated, exited or completed a public education or training program within the state of Florida. The statute requires all elements of Florida's workforce development system to use information provided through FETPIP, for any project they may conduct requiring automated matching of administrative records for follow-up purposes. FETPIP's method of data collections replaces conventional survey-type techniques, and provides information in an accurate and cost effective manner. The follow-up studies are conducted annually by matching records of the student graduates, completes or exiters from the numerous public and independent organizations with information resources available to FETPIP. Follow-up on a quarterly basis is also done for some groups.

- FETPIP does not report matched numbers (headcount) of 5 or less for any industry title; FETPIP makes the "match" decision at the state level based on industry title, not occupation.
- FETPIP data only matches a three month span of college data - Oct., Nov., Dec. of a given year; FETPIP does not match and provide data reflecting an entire year.
- FETPIP data runs two years behind for students enrolled and graduated, and will not accurately reflect local follow-up data such as instructor blogs, social media, and other personal contacts.
Participants are universities, community colleges, school districts, selected private vocational schools, welfare transition services, workforce investment act (WIA), corrections system, farm worker jobs and educational programs, and specialized and longitudinal studies.
2016-17 A.S. Degree Completers Statewide, FETPIP Follow-up Outcomes:
According to the 2016-17 FETPIP data provided by FLDOE a total of 144 individuals reported information for follow-up after completing the E.T. A.S. Degree program, of these 112 (78%) were found employed. Similar percentages were found in 2014-15, 2015-16 with 77% (up 1%). The average annual earnings for 2016-17 was $51,384 (average quarterly earnings were $12,846), which is an increase of more than 12% when compared with previous year's report (2015-16).
Table 1 contains 5-year data collected from years 2012 to 2017 which includes information regarding student graduates, completers or exiters from the Florida colleges offering E.T. A.S. degree with information resources available to FETPIP.
Table 1: 2012-17 Engineering Technology - E.T. A.S. Degree (Program 1615000001) Completers FETPIP Follow-up Outcomes
#E.T. graduates found employed = The number of individuals with wages during the 4th quarter (October to December) of 2017. |
Data summarized in table 1 and figures 1-4 represents data built in two year lag time and only matches a three month span of college data (Oct., Nov., Dec. of a given year) except for the average annual earning which is estimated purposely for this report. FETPIP does not provide data reflecting an entire year.
The data has shown a consistent increase in the number of A.S. degree completers (figure 1) and E.T. graduates (figure 2) that were employed. It is important to note the significant increase of the number of E.T. graduates who were found employed from 2012-13 (48 graduates) to 2016-17 (112), which is an increase of more than 100% during this period (figure 3). This trend can be related to the increase of Florida colleges that have implemented the E.T. A.S. degree program and manufacturing related programs. During 2012 there were 13 colleges with the E.T. A.S. degree program and by the end of 2017, there were 23 colleges in Florida offering the E.T. A.S. degree program (New programs do not report graduates within the first 2 years).
Average annual earnings, shown in figure 4, also continued to increase over the past five years from $38,940 to $51,384. This increase in wages indicates that E.T. and related manufacturing careers are growing strong in Florida, providing more value to high performance manufacturing and production industries, whose work is vitally important to the nation's prosperity and security.
This information is part of the performance accountability process for all parts of the K-20 system and serves as an indicator of student achievement and program needs in Florida. It helps educators and parents better prepare and counsel students for success in their future education and career choices. For more information about the Florida Education & training Placement Information Program (FETPIP) visit FDOE-FETPIP. For More information about Florida's Engineering Technology A.S. Degree contact Dr. Marilyn Barger, FLATE Executive Director (barger@fl-ate.org).
Congratulations to our 2019 Engineering Technology Graduates!!
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