FLATE's professional development workshops support the National Science
Foundation’s (NSF) goals for advancing technological education emphasizing on hands-on
technical training along with development, application, assessment of
technology-related curriculum, and strategies for recruitment and retention of
students in technology programs. FLATE works with key partners such as the
Manufacturing Skills Standards Council (MSSC), the Florida Association for
Career and Technical Education (FACTE), Hillsborough County Public Schools, and
the new NSF partnership with College Lake County (Illinois), Anne Arundel
Community College (Maryland), and Florida State College at Jacksonville.
From 2005 to 2019, FLATE has provided 47,736 hours of professional
development to 36,382 educators and 13,062 workforce, economic and
manufacturing personnel in multi-day workshops, presentations, and through
online webinars at hundreds of events in Florida, nationally, and worldwide.
Among all the workshops, the most popular is the FLATE-FACTE Project
Based Summer Workshops Series for career and technical educators (CTE) in
Florida. The first two of these two-day workshops’
series, which was held at Hillsborough Community College-Brandon Campus, were Robotics
& 3D Printing on May 9th to the 10th, and Integrated
Technology Projects on May 16th to the 17th. During the first workshop, Robotics & 3D
Printing, participants learned how to build and code the Lego EV3 robots; used
Sketch Up CAD software and the Makerbot 3D printer. The second workshop,
Integrated Technology Projects, participants were immersed in a variety of
technology education projects in fields such as civil engineering, aerospace,
and electronics technology.

Here are some comments from participants:
“Best workshop of the year, worth the
3-hr drive”
“Great training. I loved learning about
3D printing and robotics. Also, it was fun and engaging”

The four-day FANUC workshop, sponsored by FACTE, at CF will
focus on how to deliver instructions on robotics in the classroom using FANUC’s
Certified Education Robot Training (CERT) program. The CERT is the ideal
platform for teaching how to program a real industry-grade robot, in real time,
in a safe and controlled environment.

For more information about CTE workshops contact Dr. Marilyn Barger,
Executive Director of FLATE at barger@fl-ate.org or visit flate-professional
development opportunities
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