Made in Florida Manufacturing (MFG) Day/Month industry tours addresses common misperceptions about manufacturing by giving manufacturers an opportunity to open their doors and show, in a coordinated effort, what manufacturing is, and positively change the public perception of modern manufacturing.
Preliminary Data
TSE Industries - October 22, 2021
Since some Manufacturing Day tours and events were postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, any that take place by the end of the year will be included in our totals for 2021. And in 2022, we will begin celebrating Manufacturing Month on January 1st and continue throughout the year, whenever events can be rescheduled with schools and students. 
However, preliminary data for Manufacturing Month 2021 shows success in getting students across the state exposed to Manufacturing Careers. As of November 16th, 2,438 middle and high school students from 101 schools, 171 educators, and 150 parents and chaperones participated in a Manufacturing Month student experience.
Some 2021 events were typical in-person student tours of manufacturing facilities, but there were also a variety of virtual student events, some localized to a community and some with students from all across the state. These are some of this year’s events:
In-Person Student Events
Many manufacturers and Regional Manufacturing Associations (RMAs) hosted in-person student or educator experiences for Manufacturing Month including:
- Seal Dynamics, Hillsborough, September 30 - Educator Tour
- MFG Month Design & Build Competition at Custom Metal Designs, Orange, October 15
- Southern Manufacturing Technologies (SMT), Hillsborough, October 19 & 20 - Student Tours
- JBT Aerotech, Orange, October 21 - Student Tour
- TSE Industries, Pinellas, October 22 - Student Tour
- Mitsubishi Power Systems, Orange, October 21 - Student Tour
- JBT Aerotech, Orange, November 2 - Student Tour
- Custom Metal Designs, Orange, November 4 - Student Tour
- Sy-Clone Internations, Duval, November 10 - Student Tour
- Datagraphics LLC, Orange, November 12 - Student Tour
- Atlantic Technical High School
- Roboticon, October 1-3, 9-10, 16-7, 23-24, Manufacturer booths at Competition
- Johnson & Johnson, Duval, November 19 - Visits Englewood High School
Virtual Student Events
In many cases where in-person events were not possible, virtual manufacturing panel discussions brought Florida manufacturers to students and educators across Florida. Some were recorded and are available on demand.
MFG Month Panel - October 1st
First Coast Manufacturers Association (FCMA), CareerSource NE Florida & Jax USA Earn Up
Students attended from Duval, Clay, St. Johns, Putnam & Baker Counties (91 students, 12 educators)
Manufacturers Presenting: BAE, Collins Aerospace, FRCSE & Vac-con
Bay Area Manufacturers Association (BAMA)
Manufacturers provided a Plant Tour video of their facilities for students to watch before the event and then each manufacturer spoke to the students & was available for Q&A in a live virtual format on the day of the event.
Students from Hillsborough (nearly 200) & Pinellas (150) Counties
Hillsborough Manufacturers: Electrochemical Solutions (EMS), Seal Dynamics, Microlumen, Mettler Toledo, FCDI & AMRoC FAB Lab
Pinellas Manufacturers: CME, MasterCut Tool Corp, Molex, Monin, Omnicell and TSE Industries
MFG Month & DEAM Virtual Panel - Discover Great Careers - October 28
FLATE, The Able Trust, High School High Tech
Students from 33 High School High Tech programs from across the state - 495 students
Manufacturers: Trividia Health, Southern Manufacturing Technologies (SMT), Seal Dynamics and JBT Aerotech.
USF Stavros Center Global Literacy Series: How it's Made and How it can be Made Better
Two-part Series - October 4 & 11
Dr. Marilyn Barger of FLATE and local Florida businesses, Monin and Givaudan provided a window into “How it’s made” in Florida for Florida educators. Monin & Givaudan discussed the production process as well as problems that their industries are trying to solve.Recording coming soon for Part 1 - Monin.
Save the dates for 2 Spring Sessions of "How it's Made in Florida" on February 28th and March 7th.
Polk County MFG Month Panel
Polk State College, Polk County Public Schools, FLATE
Students from 13 Polk County middle and high schools.
8 Manufacturers from Polk County
It's never too late to share the Manufacturing story with students! Please keep us posted as you plan student events in 2022. Email the FLATE team at
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