focus on manufacturing excellence is fueled by its NSF ATE funding support to
build two-year degree advanced technical education programs that effectively
contribute to Florida's advanced manufacturing workforce. The FLATE partnership and merger with
FloridaMakes represents
a mechanism to expand this advanced manufacturing workforce creation to
impact all of the pathways to workforce excellence. D.L. Jamerson Elementary
School, a full-service school in St. Petersburg Florida, demonstrates our model
curriculum that foreshadows this continuum of workforce development efforts.
detailed examination of their website, https://www.pcsb.org/jamerson-es,
is recommended however, their Vision and Mission statements will provide a quick
with FLATE's foundation in 2003, the Pinellas County School District was faced
with a poor performance elementary school that needed immediate and drastic
attention. Together with the school
district, a proposal to create a completely new curriculum that used mathematics
and engineering principles as instructional components in every topic in every
class room was funded by the Department of Education Magnet Schools of America
program. Our work in that curriculum began then and its impact is demonstrated
Jamerson education platform is interwoven into all of their lessons and
activities. Over this coming year we will highlight some of their work.
However, for today, the following string of visual salutes provide reminders of
their excellence and set the stage for future FLATE FOCUS submissions.
The U.S.
Department of Education Magnet Schools of America program provides support to
hundreds of school districts across the country. The program supports capacity development–the ability of a
school to help all its students meet more challenging standards–through
professional development and other activities that will enable the continued
operation of the magnet schools at a high-performance level after funding ends.
Finally, the program supports the implementation of courses of instruction in
magnet schools that strengthen students’ knowledge of academic subjects and
their grasp of tangible and marketable vocational skills. The program also
supports a competitive and rigorous award system that recognizes excellence within
its supported school districts. As indicated within their Mission statement
summary, D.L. Jamerson continues to receive the Magnet School Excellence Award,
however, Jamerson is also the
first school in Pinellas County School District, one of the 10 largest school
districts in the country, to receive the distinction of a Certified National
Magnet School.
In addition to its "A" Florida School grade, the Florida Department of Education also recognizes D.L. Jamerson with a Five Star School Award. This award was created by the Commissioner's Community Involvement Council and is presented annually to those schools that have shown evidence of exemplary community involvement. Total school commitment to student, parent, and community is also reflected in Jamerson's PTA awards. These awards now include the National PTA School of Excellence award since 2016.
additional sign of excellence is recognition by professional organizations
within your peer group. For decades the Future of Education Technology
Conference gathers creative education professions from around the world for an
intense and collaborative exploration of new technologies, best practices, and
education pressing issues. This
conference also supports a national STEM Excellence award to recognize
excellence and innovation in STEM education at the primary, middle, and high
school levels, with winners selected from each level. D.L. Jamerson is a
recipient of one of these awards.
In summary, D.J. Jamerson Elementary School is a vigorous supporter
and conveyer of engineering based instruction. The premise that this approach
as a systemic school curriculum platform will produce a school environment that
academically benefits its students has been demonstrated. However, this is a
rigorous and long term academic pathway that has a strong "all or
nothing" commitment requirement. If we have sparked your interest check
out future FLATE FOCUS issues. If we have triggered your impatience at that
information transfer pace, just e-mail gilbert@usf.edu for immediate response
to your queries.

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