The FANUC Certified Education Robot Training Cart (or CERT) is the ideal platform for teaching how to program a real industry-grade robot, in real time, in a safe and controlled environment. Be FANUC CERT ready for fall with this effective training program. This course will get you up to speed with your FANUC CERT system by providing hands-on training with the robot and teach pendant using the same Roboguide programming software and curriculum you will be using in your classroom. A full week of training for educators has been recently scheduled at Central Florida College in Ocala Jun 11-15. Join us! This free 5-day training will get you up to speed on basic robotics programming and prepare you for the FANUC certification. A big THANK YOU to FACTE for supporting educator travel and tuition for this workshop. Contact Margi Lee:

The third opportunity is to attend the Summer Working Connections PLC workshop hosted at FSCJ (Florida State College at Jacksonville) and sponsored by the CollaborATE grant based at the College of Lake County in Wisconsin. This workshop, like the FANUC workshop above, has no charge, covers, travel and also pays a small stipend. Several Florida educators attended last summer for the Level 1 training and are returning for Level 2. They all said it was phenomenal!

Professional development opportunities are always posted on our FLATE wiki site. You can always check there for updates by clicking on the Professional development icon. We look forward to seeing many Florida educators at these summer events!
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