Distinguished Manufacturing Secondary Educator-of-the-Year Award: Ted Madison Missildine, Freeport High School, Freeport, FL.
Distinguished Manufacturing Post-Secondary Educator-of-the-Year Award: Shirley Dobbins, Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL.
Distinguished Partner Manufacturing Service Award: C.A. Vossberg, Electron Machine, Umatilla, FL.
Award winners will be honored and receive their awards during the awards breakfast at The Florida Association for Career and Technical Education’s 52nd Annual Conference and Trade Show held at the Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate, FL. on Tuesday July 17, 2018.
The FACTE Annual Conference and Trade Show will host approximately 500 participants who represent all areas of career and technical education. The Conference provides three days of intensive and informative general sessions, workshops, focus sessions, open forums and business meetings. The Trade Show presents an opportunity for all attendees to see first-hand and hands-on the latest materials, information, equipment, and services that will help fulfill and enhance their professional responsibilities.
To register to the conference click here and make sure you register for the FAITE-FLATE preconference industry tours on Monday, July 16th. Tours will include a site visit to Mid-State Industrial Maintenance in Lakeland, FL. with the largest machining equipment in the Southwest US and Polk State College-Clear Springs Advanced Technology Center, where you will learn about PSC Open Entry, Early Exit (OEEE) self-paced hybrid NSF sponsored program.
The Florida Association for Industrial and Technical Educators (FAITE) is a non-profit professional organization which works collectively toward the advancement and enhancement of technical and industrial education throughout Florida. Membership in FAITE is open to all Industrial & Technical educators.
For more information about FACTE Annual conference visit http://www.facte.org and the FLATE Awards please visit our webpage here, or contact Dr. Marilyn Barger at barger@fl-ate.org.
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